Wednesday 15 June 2016

Economic Calendar

Economic calendar release schedule of numerous economic indicators and get ready for significant market movements. Economic indicators help you consider trades in the context of economic events and understand price actions during these events. By following indicators for GDP, for instance, or inflation and employment strength, you can anticipate market volatility and gain potential trading opportunities in good time.

Below you can see the most important economic indicators at a glance.

Consumer Confidence Index (CCI): A monthly release formed from the survey results of over 5,000 households. It measures average consumer confidence and spending power (for instance, a drastic decrease in consumer confidence can indicate a weakening economy).

Consumer Price Index (CPI): A statistical estimate that measures changes in the price of services and consumer goods. CPI is used as a measure of inflation, as it reports price changes in over 200 categories.

Durable Goods Orders: A monthly released key indicator of future manufacturing activity with indications to new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for the upcoming delivery of durable goods.

Employment Cost Index (ECI): A quarterly economic series that indicates the rising and falling tendencies in employment costs. It measures inflation in salaries, wages and employer-paid benefits in the US.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): It indicates the economic growth of a country, and it is determined by product output, income and expenditure. GDB is often correlated with the living standard. It is the market value of all services and goods produced in a country during a certain time period.

Gross Domestic Product Deflator: A measure of price levels for all goods and services in an economy. The use of the deflator helps you calculate the difference between nominal and real GDP.

Industrial Production (IP): An indicator for the changes in output in the industrial sector (e.g. manufacturing, mining). It indicates the industrial capacity of a country.

Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization (IPCU): It is released by the US Federal Reserve every month and it measures economic activity, showing data for the previous month about the total amount of US industrial production. The IPCU encourages buying or selling in certain industries.

International Trade (trade balance): It measures the difference imports vs exports of all goods and services. Changes in imports and exports, together with the level of the international trade balance, indicate market trends.

Institute of Economic Research (IFO): A business survey based on the latest economic data of over 7,000 German business leaders. It provides assessment of the current and upcoming economic climate in Germany and Europe.

National Association of Purchasing Manager Index (NAPM): It measures economy in general, and the manufacturing sector in particular. It sums up the survey of over 250 companies in all US states, and it calculates data of production, new orders, and employment.

Non-farm Payroll Employment (NFP): A monthly report released by the US Department of Labor that provides statistical data about the current state of the US labor market. It is also used to forecast future levels of economic activity.

Producer Price Index (PPI): A frequently used economic indicator that measures the average changes in selling prices received by domestic producers in manufacturing, mining, electric utility, and agriculture.

Purchasing Managers Index (PMI): It indicates economic activity and shows the percentage of company/business employees in charge of goods and service acquisition (i.e. purchasing managers) in a particular economic sector. PMI over 50 usually indicates an expanding economy, while anything below 50 indicates economic contraction.

Retail Sales: A monthly report that measures consumer expenditure (an essential indicator of GDP in the US). As a timely indicator of broad consumer spending patterns, it can be used to assess the immediate direction of an economy.

Tankan (Short-period Economy Observation): A quarterly business poll issued by the Bank of Japan on the status of Japanese economy. It considerably affects currency rates and stocks, and as such, it is considered a major financial indicator in Japan.

Unemployment Rate: The percentage of unemployed people, measured by the ratio of individuals who are out of work and who are willing and able to work as opposed to the total number of individuals in the work force. It is lagging indicator as it changes along with economy, and it shows future interest rates and monetary policies.

Source: XM Calendar



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