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Monday 15 August 2016

Mari Belajar Forex Melalui Akademi Forex Malaysia

Ketika keadaan ekonomi dunia tidak menentu, ramai orang sedang merungut terutama sekali golongan ahli-ahli perniagaan kerana ketidakstabilan ekonomi telah menjejaskan pendapatan mereka. Keadaan ini bukan sahaja menjejaskan golongan perniagaan malah bagi mereka yang bekerja dalam kerajaan dan swasta juga merasakan impak kerana harga barangan semakin meningkat tanpa titik noktah. Pendapatan bulanan pada masa kini seperti sudah tidak mampu menampung perbelanjaan bulanan. Ketidakstabilan politik telah menjejaskan keyakinan pelabur asing dan telah menyaksikan beberapa syarikat besar asing telah menarik keluar pelaburan mereka dari negara Malaysia.

Meskipun keadaan hidup kian menyempit, orang ramai tidak pernah berputus asa untuk meneruskan kehidupan demi keluarga yang disayangi. Semangat ini telah membantu diri mereka untuk mencari sumber alternatif dalam mencari wang.

Di Sabah, penduduknya yang kini sudah mencecah 3.1 juta lebih mempunyai potensi kuasa beli yang kuat. Persaingan perniagaan jelas dapat dilihat dimana-mana yang secara langsung boleh menjadi indikator ataupun petanda bahawa ekonomi Sabah semakin menjadi rancak tahun demi tahun.

Walau apapun jenis perniagaan yang wujud di Sabah, satu jenis perniagaan kini telah menjadi pilihan rakyat Sabah. Perniagaan tersebut adalah Forex atau Foreign Exchange (Tukaran Matawang Asing). Jenis perniagaan ini telah menjadi popular kerana ia mudah dikendalikan. Walau bagaimanapun, rakyat Sabah telah menjadi mangsa yang kejam oleh Broker Forex yang palsu. Terlalu banyak duit rakyat Sabah telah melayang kerana tertipu dengan Broker-broker Forex yang palsu sehingga menjejaskan imej dan prestij perniagaan ini dimata rakyat Sabah.

Namun, syukur kerana terdapat seorang rakyat Sabah yang bernama Alix Sunggin telah menampilkan diri untuk membantu rakyat Sabah untuk menceburi bidang perniagaan ini. Beliau telah menubuhkan syarikatnya dengan nama Akademi Forex Malaysia. Lokasi pejabatnya yang terletak di Kobusak Commercial Centre Penampang telah Berjaya melahirkan lebih daripada 200 lebih Pedagang-pedagang Forex Baru (New Forex Traders). Sudah terdapat bebarapa anak murid beliau mendapat status jutawan.

Sebelum ini, ia dikenali sebagai Akademi Forex Sabah namun setelah ia didaftarkan, nama tersebut ditukar menjadi Akademi Forex Malaysia. 

Beliau berharap agar rakyat Sabah mengambil peluang ini untuk mempelajari  ilmu Forex daripadanya kerana segala ilmunya yang sudah berusia lebih daripada 8 tahun akan diajar kepada mereka yang ingin mempelajarinya. 

Menurutnya juga, melalui info yang dikeluarkan daripada Bloomberg, transaksi perniagaan Forex ini merupakan perniagaan yang terbesar di dunia dengan jumlah 5 trillion sehari. Dijangkakan pada tahun 2020, angka ini akan meningkat kepada 10 trillion sehari. Perniagaan ini telah mengatasi perdagangan bursa saham yang ada didunia.

Dengan kewujudan Akademi Forex Malaysia yang satu-satunya di Malaysia yang berada di Sabah, rakyat Sabah sangat bertuah dan mempunyai peluang untuk bergelar jutawan. Namun, sebelum mampu mencapai status tersebut, anda semua dinasihati untuk mempelajari teknik-teknik yang betul dalam Forex bagi mengelakkan kerugian. Semuanya akan diajar melalui Akademi Forex Malaysia.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Pasangan matawang GBPUSD Jatuh Teruk!

Pasangan matawang GBPUSD telah jatuh teruk memecahkan rekod lama yang pernah direkodkan pada Januari 2009 dengan harga 1.3509. Kini, pasangan matawang telah berada pada rekod harga 1.2902. Antara faktor kepada kejatuhan nilai matawang GBP kepada USD adalah kesan daripada Brexit Referendum yang mana rakyat British memilih untuk tidak lagi mahu berada didalam Kesatuan Eropah atas dasar kepentingan negara mereka.

Lantas daripada itu, keyakinan pelabur-pelabur sedikit sebanyak telah tergugat daripada tindakan itu dan dunia telah menyaksikan matawang British telah jatuh. Ia ditambahkan lagi apabila Pusat Bank England telah menurunkan kadar faedah daripada 0.50% kepada 0.25%. 

Ia telah menjadi tanda yang jelas bahawa British sedang menuju kepada kegawatan ekonomi. Walau bagaimanapun, British sangat terkenal dengan kebolehannya untuk menyelesaikan masalah dan mari kita bersama-sama mengikuti perkembangan mereka.


Saturday 13 August 2016

When Not to Trade Forex

There are a number of scenarios where it’s inadvisable to trade. These can be separated into personal/environmental reasons and market reasons.

Personal reasons not to trade:

Get rid of all distractions 
You need to be able to concentrate on the charts and not get caught up with other things going on. For instance you might be waiting for a trade and then you get distracted and when you come back to your chart you have missed the trade or you buy instead of selling etc. Distractions can be costly. However, life is full of distractions so put the cat in the hall and shut the door. Put the baby in the playpen where you can see/hear her but at least you won’t have to worry that she has wandered off again… Whatever your potential distractions are, deal with them before you start to trade. Even a Ninja can lose a fight if distracted…

Emotional times 
If something emotional has happened, and you can’t be subjective, then do not trade! This could be any number of things that had a negative impact on your day. It could be that you broke up with your partner to a death in the family etc… You need to be able to assess what’s happening in a very short period of time, and if you are mentally elsewhere then this can have a negative impact on your trading account…

The personal times that you shouldn’t trade can really be summed up as times when you are out of synch with your normal body rhythm. These are times where your emotions or environment can negatively affect the way you trade, and can seriously hamper the likelihood of a successful trade. The good news is these tend to be things that you can control or have some degree of control over. The market reasons for not taking a trade are a bit different. These tend to be external where you have very little or no control over them. These can really kick you in the butt and leave you limping for a while. Ignore these at your Peril!!

Market Reasons not to trade:

Bank Holidays 
These are scheduled and there is nothing you can do about it. If there is an USA or UK Bank Holiday I don’t bother trading. This is because the Banks are the biggest participants in the Forex market. If they are on holiday then the volume of transactions being carried out is greatly reduced. This can lead to either really static markets or on occasion erratic markets. Either way it does not follow the normal pattern, so I stay clear.

If however, it’s a Bank Holiday in another country such as Japan or Australia then I wouldn’t trade currencies that belong to those countries, e.g. jpy or aud pairs, but would still trade the gbp/usd/chf etc pairs…

There are scheduled news releases, and economic news, that is due to be released throughout the day. These can be found, in advance, in a number of places but the most popular one seems to be the Forex Calendar, provided by Forex Factory.

There are 3 types of news; yellow, orange and red. Each has a different impact and is all explained in the calendar. There tend to be folders that generally are not a good idea for a new trader to try and trade. High impact, red folders, can really move the market, sometimes spiking in both directions, before settling done. These are high risk times where a lot of people get stopped out.

The one’s I specifically avoid would be the ISM Manufacturing data, interest rate announcements and NFP related news announcements. However, it’s not just the announcements themselves that can affect the market. The rumours surrounding what the potential numbers will be can cause the markets to move in anticipation. Therefore, it’s not a good idea to trade, for the hour before or after the news. With NFP, it’s a good idea not to trade that day at all.

Now that may seem extreme, but these can be the biggest account killers and can wipe out a new account in a few seconds.

These tend to generally be on the calendar as well. If specific people are talking then please do not trade. These people include the ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and BOE Governor Mervyn King. It’s important that when the BOJ Governor Masaaki Shirakawa speaks to pay attention. These tend to happen when people are asleep so less of a worry. But if you are trading the Japanese session then be wary!!

These people are notorious for dropping hints about economic policy changes that are likely to happen with the currency they are responsible for. These hints cause a lot of speculation in the market and therefore a lot of price movement. These can be big currency movers as they are generally responsible for setting Interest rates in those countries, and as mentioned above interest rate announcements can cause large movements.

Erratic Periods
There will be times where a currency is moving differently from normal. Perhaps it’s spiking and you don’t know why. This is a good time to stay out of the market. If you don’t understand why it’s moving like this then it’s generally because there is unscheduled news that has been released or leaked. This is generally bad news and the market is still unsure as to how to react to it. For instance, this was happening during the recent credit crunch and the various Banks reporting that they were having major difficulties.

It’s unadvisable to hold trades over the weekend, unless your method is a long term strategy which specifically involves holding trades for longer time frames, such as weeks or months.

A lot can happen over the weekend. All it would take is for 1 Bank to go bust over the weekend for your position to go completely different from how you expected… A terrorist attack could happen over the weekend, which would also move the markets crazily. Now these might seem out of the norm but if you look these have happened recently on more than 1 occasion.

These types of events will generally lead to the market opening again will a large gap and generally with a large change in your position. A lot of times this can cause serious harm to your trading account balance.

Market close/open 
Good idea to avoid these or be wary around these times. At market close a number of trading positions are being closed. This will lead to volatility in the currency markets and can cause the price to move erratically. The same applies at market open. A lot of people are opening positions as they do not want to hold them over the weekend for the reasons stated above.

December and Summer Holidays 
Banks tend to trade the Forex markets at least once a day for balance sheet reasons and can also trade a number of times throughout the day for speculation reasons.

When I say balance sheet reasons, I mean to balance out their currency book. They need a certain amount of each currency to meet the demand of their customers, both personal and business, that will need to buy foreign currency from the bank or exchange their foreign currency for their local currency. Banks have to balance this out each day otherwise they leave themselves open to Foreign exchange risk. This means Banks are the major players in the Forex market.

So during December and the summer months a lot of Bank staff take their holidays. Therefore, Forex markets generally slow down as there are fewer participants in the marketplace. This is generally a good time for private traders such as us to take a holiday. If the markets are flat there’s no point in trading so go off and enjoy yourself.

You gotta keep your body in prime fighting condition but holidays are also part of giving your mind some relaxing time to recharge those batteries, ready to go when you return.


Forex Money Management. Trade safe building stable gains

Money management is a way Forex traders control their money flow: literally IN or OUT of own pockets... Yes, it's simply the knowledge and skills on managing own Forex account.

Forex brokers will rarely teach traders good money management skills, though almost all brokers will offer some sort of education, therefore it's important to also learn on your own.

There are several rules of good money management:

1. Risk only small percentage of a total account

Why is it so important?
The main idea of the whole trading process is to survive! 
Survival is the first task, after which comes making the money.

One should clearly understand that good traders are, first of all, skillful survivors. Those who also have deep pockets can additionally sustain larger losses and continue trading under unfavorable conditions, because they are financially able to. For an ordinary trader, the skills of surviving become a vital "must know" requirement to keep own Forex trading accounts "alive" and be able to make profits on top.

Let's take a look at the example that shows a difference between risking a small percentage of capital and risking a larger one. In the worst case scenario with ten losing trades in a row the trading account will suffer this much:
Apparently, there is a big difference between risking 2% and 10% of the account balance per trade. A trader who has made 10 trades risking only 2%, under the worst conditions would lose only 17% of his initial investment. The same trader who had been exposing 10% of the balance per trade would end up losing over 60% of his initial investment. As you can see, this simple decision — a money management approach — can have serious consequences if misjudged.

2. Returning the lost capital is harder that it seems to

Let's take a look at calculations where a trader has lost some part of his account. How much effort will it take to recover the original account balance?
Now, here is a challenge: try on your demo account to gain a return of 300% or at least 100% of your original account trading as it were the real money. Will that be easy? I don't think so. Can you prove me wrong?

3. Calculate risk / reward ratio before entering a trade

When chances to win in a trade are smaller than potential losses, don't trade! Remember — staying aside is a position.

For example:
losing 40 pips versus winning 30 pips,
losing 20 pips versus winning 20 pips,

both examples are showing a bad risk management.

Before entering a trade, reassure that risk / reward ratio is at least 1:2 (but ideally 1:3 or higher), which means that chances to lose are tree times less than promises to win. For example: 30 pips of a possible loss versus 100 pips of a potential win is a good trade to consider taking.

Adopting this money management rule as a must, in the long run it will dramatically increase your chances to succeed in making stable profits.

Next chart shows the risk / reward rule in practice.

10 trades with 1:3 risk / reward ratio were conducted.
A trader was losing only $100 in a trade when he was wrong, but was winning $300 in each profitable trade.
As we can see, using 1:3 risk / reward ratio constantly and being successful only 50% of the time, anyone can make a profit in the end. The higher the reward ratio (compared to the risk ratio) the better are chances to end up in profit.

4. Learn to use protective stops

Continue reading about protective stops and their importance for good money management: Learn to use Stop Loss effectively.

5. A practical example of applying money management rules:

Risking no more than 2-3% of the total account per trade... How does it work in practice?
Let's use an example to understand it.

We have opened a trading account of $1000 USD with a broker and got 20:1 leverage. So, now we have leveraged ourselves to $20 000 USD to begin trading with.

More money means a higher trading power. Correct. But, the higher the trading power, the higher the risks; and when we talk about risks we talk about a real account value which will decrease with every loss sustained during trading. So, when we say risking no more than 2-3% of a total account value we mean the real account value — which is $1000 USD in our case.

Now, let's start trading and do the math.

Let's say, we have decided to risk 2% of the account in each trade.
$1000 x 2% = $20 USD.

This means that when the price goes against us, we will need to be out of the trade once we are $20 dollars down. Ok, time to trade. Our trading power measures $20 000 USD (thanks to our leverage).

What will happen if we try to trade them all at once: for one $20 000 dollar trading lot order our Forex broker gives us a pip value of $2 dollars. This means that with each pip gained we will have +$2 USD in our pocket. But this also means that with each pip lost our real account will shrink by $2 dollars. Since we can afford to lose only $20 dollars in one trade, we'll exiting a trade once the market makes... -10 pips! Yes, only 10 pips is required this time to reach our 2% limit. 10 pips * $2 USD per 1 pip = $20 dollars, which is our 2% account limit according with the money management rule we've chosen to follow.

Now, let's try to trade a $10 000 dollar position. The pip value for this position size will be $1 USD.
The math goes as follows:

we can stay in trade until market makes -20 pips against us. Yes, this time we can sustain a bigger market shift.

If we decrease our trading lot to $5000 USD, our sustainability will raise to -40 pips against our trade. (The pip value for $5000 dollar lot will be $0.50 cents). And so on.

As you can see, with the money management rule in place our real account is under control. And even if leverage allows trading larger positions, the risks should be always under control.

Source: Forex Money Management

Money Management dan Leverage

Dalam dunia perniagaan Forex, pengurusan kewangan (money management) serta pemilihan leverage merupakan 2 faktor yang sangat penting bagi memastikan keberkesanan dalam mendapatkan keuntungan serta mengurangkan risiko kerugian.

Ini juga bermaksud, kesilapan ataupun kecuaian dalam mempertimbangkan 2 perkara ini sebelum memulakan trading akan mengundang risiko kerugian besar apabila arah sentimen matawang (trend currency) bertentangan dengan taruhan trading kita.

Jadual Money Management diatas adalah nasihat dan cadangan untuk dijadikan panduan kepada mana-mana individu yang baru mahu mengenali Forex dan yang ingin mendalami kefahaman tentang perkara ini.

Semoga informasi ini membantu diri anda dalam melakukan perniagaan Forex.

Friday 12 August 2016

Start Forex with $30 Free Bonus with XM

XM offers its clients multiple additional incentives to start trading and keep on trading, starting with a $30 no deposit bonus. In other words, we give you $30 worth of credit just for opening your first Real Account, allowing you to test our products and services by starting to trade with no investment and no risk.
  • No deposit required
  • All profits earned can be withdrawn
  • Automatically credited to your account
  • Available to new clients


Tuesday 9 August 2016


  1. Pastikan Mentor/Penganjur kursus Forex adalah trader Forex sepenuh masa. Jika Mentor anda masih lagi buat Forex secara sambilan ertinya dia masih lagi belum menguasai Forex sepenuhnya. Pastikan pendapatan utama Mentor anda dari hasil Forex Trading.

  2. Pastikan Mentor membuat Preview Percuma terlebih dahulu sebelum kursus. Ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut apakah topik-topik yang akan diajar nanti.

  3. Real Akaun. Minta tunjukkan akaun Real Trading Mentor anda dan bukannya demo akaun.

  4. Tempat Kursus. Pastikan Mentor anda mempunyai pejabat khas untuk tujuan latihan. Disini anda boleh lihat keseriusan dan ketelusan Mentor anda.

  5. Bantuan selepas Kursus. Pastikan mentor anda memantau anda walaupun selepas kursus. Contohnya mengedakan kelas tambahan/kelas pemantapan. Dengan cara ini anda berpeluang berjumpa dengan Mentor anda dari masa ke semasa untuk terus belajar.

  6. Penganjur kursus konsisten. Pastikan Mentor anda sentiasa menganjur kursus yang berterusan. Bukan menganjur kursus bermusim.

  7. Lihat juga wawasan mentor anda. Adakah bersifat sementera atau untuk jangka panjang.

  8. Tempoh kursus yang lama. Pastikan Mentor anda menganjur kursus dalam tempoh yang lama sebab Ilmu Forex tidak dapat diperolehi dalam tempoh yang singkat.

  9. Live Market. Pastikan Mentor anda menganjur kursus pada waktu market aktif dan bukannya pada market tutup seperti hari Sabtu dan Ahad.

  10. Testimoni. Pastikan Mentor yang anda pilih sudah mempunyai contoh pelajar yang berjaya.


Masa urusniaga yang flexibel, anda boleh lakukan urusniaga ini pada bila-bila masa sahaja dari dari hari isnin hingga jumaat. 24 jam sehari 5 hari seminggu.

Tiada tempat khusus, anda boleh lakukan dimana-mana sahaja urusniaga ini asalkan anda mempunyai komputer dan sambungan internet.

Anda tidak perlu pekerja, tidak perlu pelangan dan tidak ada bos. Andalah pekerja dan andalah bos.

Tidak ada orang yang akan berdengki dengan anda kerana wang anda hanya anda seorang saja yang tahu jumlahnya.

Modal yang flexibel, anda boleh mula menjalankan urusniaga ini dengan modal mengikut kesukaan anda bermula dari 1 USD , 10 USD , 100 USD atau lebih.

Tidak perlu berjumpa sesiapa. Tidak perlu menjual barang dan sebagainya.

Sebagai Trader Forex
  • Kita tidak perlu cari downline
  • Kita tidak perlu pejabat
  • Kita tidak perlu modal besar
  • Kita tidak perlu mesyuarat sana sini
  • Kita tidak perlu telefon sesiapa
  • Kita tidak perlu berjumpa sesiapa
  • Kita tidak perlu keluar rumah


Monday 8 August 2016

How to choose a broker?

Choosing a broker is important and critical moment. Nowadays there are a lot of companies which provide access to the international exchange market Forex.

All companies which provide services on the exchange market can be divided into brokers and investment banks. 

We will consider all main factors below, which influence the adequate choice of a broker:

  • The amount of initial capital
  • Broker’s publicity and reputation
  • Work time during the working week
  • Commission charges
  • Spread
  • Different additional limitations for trading process
  • Reliable communication with a broker and technical support service
  • Additional services and products for clientsOperational convenience of software

Initial capital
The main factor broker’s selection is the dimension of your initial capital. Nevertheless, nowadays proprietor of any sum of money can find offer in the exchange market. However, the majority of brokers is oriented on the deposit amount like 2000$. However, it is not said, that for such sum of money you will be offered the best terms and hundred-per-cent guarantees of prompt payment and safety of profit. Everything depends on whom you have chosen in the capacity of representative on international market Forex.

If the broker offers you to begin trade with 1000$ or less it means that your positions will not be executed directly and only by means of summing up the position of some participants.

If you decided to begin the trading activity with big investments, so well-established western bank, in which the sum of initial capital should be not less than 50000-100000$ will be appropriate for you.

Many people think, that the it is necessary to start trading with this amount of money. However, you can manage with little sums. The main rule, which trader should follow, is that the deposit sum should be equal to the amount, the loss of which will not be ruinous for you.

The broker’s reputation
Before money deposit it is necessary to study all the information about broker. Take into account the period of a company’s existence on the market. Sure, it is preferential to choose such broker which works in the market considerable time, however sometimes new companies offer much profitable and comfort conditions of work in the Forex market. Ask your friends, who trade in the market, or visit forums, which are devoted to the currency trade. As a rule, swindle is not unnoticed in the trader’s community. You should draw your attention to such brokers about which you have gathered as much positive information as possible.

Work time during the work week
You should prefer that company which starts working on Monday night and finishes on Friday midnight. So, for instance, having left the profitable position to weekend in order to earn more, open the hedging order in such a manner that even with the negative result to earn a little in weekend. However, at Monday night unexpected event can happen, and it will lead to strong movement of exchange rates against your position. A broker, coming at 9 a.m., executes the hedging order according to the price which he will see at the screen of his monitor.

Consequently, because of the pause in broker’s work it will be risky enough to leave the position opened on weekend.

Commission charges
Offering the services of access to the international exchange market Forex, a broker earn on spread. Spread is the difference between buy and sell price. The majority of brokers in the market Forex earns just due to the difference in prices. In cases when you have a broker or a bank in which there is some additional fees, you can easily find other broker because the additional fees will surely affect the state of your account. However, it is necessary to know that all brokers have the fee for transfer of the positions over the midnight - Swap.

Spread- is the base of broker’s earnings. There are 2 types of brokers:
-With a fixed spread 
-With a floating spread 

The fixed spread is the constant difference between the purchasing rate of exchange and selling rate irrespective of what situation is formed in the market. However nowadays there are a lot of brokers which offer the floating spread. But due to frequent fluctuation of prices on the market Forex by the floating spread there appeared a lot of discomforts for trader, because spread can access about 50 points. However, the floating spread has its advantages. For instance, in the calm market the floating spread can decrease to 1-2 points while the fixed spread remains the former level.

Different additional limitations for trading process
Nowadays there are brokers which practice the additional limitations for trading process. As a rule it is the situation about the obligatory amount of transactions for some period of time. You should be very attentive to all the items of concluded contract and determine what contract conditions are more acceptable for you and what are not acceptable.

Reliable communication with a broker and technical support service
A broker should keep the twenty-four-hour touch, and it is desirable it to be not only by means of electronic terminal and by means of telephone service. As a rule, the technical support service is opened from 9 a.m. till 18 p.m.

Additional services and products for clients
Among all other services, different programs of analysis, free quotations and news are used more often. It makes the trader’s work much easier, especially in the first months of trading on the market Forex.

Operational convenience of software
Of course, you can accustom to any software, but before concluding the contract with a broker it is necessary to install the demo-version of the trading terminal and test it. The easier the program interface, the easier the work on it will be. But, it is not the main point during the broker’s selection on the market Forex.

Every trader seeks to find the perfect broker but, unfortunately, it is impossible. You have to accept this or that disadvantage. Choosing your broker, define the most principled moments for you. Study all the articles of agreement attentively and we wish you good luck during the trading on the international exchange market Forex.


Macroeconomic indicators which every trader needs to know

Thanks to knowledges of macroeconomic indicators Forex trading might be very profitable. So we introduce you top-7 of the main indicators which every trader should be familiar with.

Gross Domestic Product
Gross Domestic Product reflects an overall value of all services and goods produced by residents or non-residents in a particular country. The modern concept of the indicator was first developed in the United States. GDP indicates the pace of economic growth and changes in prices of goods and services for a certain period of time.

It is calculated as a sum of consumption, investment, government spending, and exports minus imports.
GDP growth points to a healthy economy. If GDP of a particular country rises compared to GDP of other countries, the country’s economy has good prospects in terms of investments.

Foreign-exchange reserves
Foreign-exchange reserves is one of the basic macroeconomic indicators. Monetary gold and foreign currency assets of every country are stored in its central bank or other financial organizations. The value of reserves is not kept in secret. If a particular country has large reserves of gold and currency, it has a better investment prospects.

Consumer Price Index
Consumer Price Index shows changes in prices of a basket of consumer goods and services. For the first time the indicator was calculated in the United States. It is based on the expenditures of almost all residents. CPI is one of the most frequently used indicators for identifying the inflation level. Its changes are used to assess price changes associated with the cost of living. Besides, it is also necessary to track changes in Core CPI that excludes prices for food and energy. The data is published in the middle of each month.

Producer Price Index
Producer Price Index estimates an average change in prices of raw materials and goods, including labor costs. The most accurate data is provided by the core of the index that excludes food and energy prices. Besides, the indicator does not include import prices and services.
The indicator’s expansion leads to a rise in cost inflation. Thus, there is an increase in production costs while prices remain unchanged. The indicator is published every month seven days after the non-farm payrolls report.

Current account balance
Current account balance reflects a ratio between cash coming from and to abroad. A positive current account balance or surplus indicates that payments from abroad outweigh transfers to other states. The opposite situation points to the current account deficit. Current account deficit is negative for the national currency growth.
In the United States, data on the current account balance is disclosed every quarter; in Japan, in the middle of each month; and in Europe, after the 20th of each month.

Consumer credit
Consumer credit is an amount of credits used by consumers to purchase goods and services. The sum always changes especially before popular holidays when it reaches the highest levels. Thus, holidays have a positive effect on a country’s economy and give a boost to the national currency.
In the US, the consumer credit data is updated on the 7th of every month and in the UK it is disclosed at the end of each month.

Industrial production
Industrial production of a particular country is one of the most important macroeconomic indicators. Industrial production includes production in manufacturing, mining, and forest industries as well as utilities.

Industrial production reflects state of economy of a particular country. However, it does not determine direction of economic development.

The indicator’s growth leads to an increase in national currency rate.

The industrial production data is unveiled every month. In the United States, the figures are released in the middle of each month, in Germany and the UK, the data is published after the 10th of each month, in the Eurozone, the report is unveiled after the 20th of each month, and in Japan, it is disclosed only at the end of the month.


Sunday 7 August 2016


The key to making money in the Forex is understanding what makes currency pairs move. Ultimately, it is investors who make currency pairs move as they buy and sell different currencies, but these investors buy and sell for a reason. 

Either they see something happening fundamentally in the global economy that makes them believe a currency is going to get stronger or they see something happening fundamentally that makes them believe a currency is going to get weaker. In other words, they watch the fundamentals and make their decisions according to what they see.

Fundamentals make currency pairs move. If the economic fundamentals in the United States are improving, the U.S. dollar (USD) will most likely be getting stronger because Forex investors will be buying dollars.

This type of analysis is very often used by investors who prefer long-term trading. The forecast is made according to the economic and political situation at the current moment. Traders should analyze news daily, and pay attention to the events which can influence world economy. This news could be related to politics, new product releases by popular international companies, natural disasters etc. It is necessary to observe index dynamics by means of news. Thus, fundamental analysis covers almost everything including speculation.

It is clear that this kind of analysis totally depends on external and internal factors which influence the global economy. It is important to mention that it is necessary to notice not only obvious correlation but feel a more delicate relationship between world events and market behavior if you want to boost your trading results. For example, if an advanced economy strengthens or weakens, it is likely to influence both national currency of this country and currencies of its partner-countries.

In order to conduct fundamental analysis the following resources are used: economic calendars, news portals, reports of different state and non-state (reliable) institutions. Such organizations should specialize in this type of analysis. There are lots of news feeds in the Internet. Keep in mind that analytical resources will help you to stay updated. It is also important to follow the leading world analytics and take into consideration their opinion. Don’t forget to check important economic events from the economic calendar, and use indicators.

Below is the list of tools useful for fundamental analysis:
  • Economic calendar;
  • News feed with focus on analytics (for example, Dow Jones);
  • Macroeconomic indicators;
  • Holidays schedule;
  • Interest rates.
Technical analysis: what is its secret and benefits?
What is technical analysis? This type of analysis is one more method to predetermine a price movement. The basis of technical analysis is supposition that the market has memory; therefore the further price movement dynamic can be predicted taking into consideration its consistent movement pattern. To make a forecast, traders plot charts showing a price dynamic in a certain time frame. Roughly speaking, technical analysis is a quote history, which helps to follow a possible trend move. Investors who prefer this type of analysis use technical indicators available at any trading platform. The indicators are different that is why a trader has an opportunity to create his own trading strategy suitable for a certain trading instrument based on data of any indicator.

There are different types of this analysis. For example, there is a candle analysis. This one is among the most popular types of technical analysis. The core of this analysis is simple - find in the quotes’ history standard reversal patterns and continuation of trend. The pattern names are unusual: head-and-shoulders, wedge, double top or triangle patterns etc. It’s also important to understand how these patterns work.

So, when you see a certain pattern on a chart you have an opportunity to consider a further price movement and possible breakout point.

Take into consideration, that there is special software, which will help you to conduct technical analysis on your own. These programs usually warn users with a signal. So, traders do not have to be in front of the computer all the time.

To sum it up: technical analysis is as difficult as fundamental. However, for newbies it is recommended to use technical analysis. A skilled investor can benefit from technical analysis using also automated trading systems, indicators, and expert advisors.

Source: Forex Broker Rating


  • Many of the important aspects of money management proceed from this key value.
  • For example, the size of your overall risk capital will be a factor determining the upper limit of your position size.
  • You might consider it prudent to risk no more than 2% of your overall risk capital in any one trade.
  • Trading too aggressively is perhaps the biggest mistake new traders make. If a small sequence of losses would be enough to eradicate most of your risk capital, it suggests each trade has too much risk.
  • A way to aim for the correct level of risk is to adjust your position size to reflect the volatility of the pair you are trading. But remember that a more volatile currency demands a smaller position than a less volatile pair. Autochartist is provided free to Admiral Markets clients and includes PowerStats.
  • The PowerStats tool shows average pip movements in specific time frames, as well as other measures of expected volatility.
  • One of the reasons that new traders are overly aggressive, is because their expectations are not realistic. They think that aggressive trading will help them get rich quickly.
  • However, the best traders make steady returns.
  • These profits can become very large over the years, through the power of compounding. But you cannot get compounded returns if you quickly blow up.
  • Realistic goals and a conservative approach is the right way to start trading.
  • The golden rule of trading is to run your profits and cut your losses. It's essential to exit quickly when there's clear evidence that you have made a bad trade.
  • It's a natural human tendency to try and turn a bad situation around, but it's a mistake in FX trading.
  • Here's why. You cannot control the market.
  • Recognising a losing situation and having the humility to admit you are wrong, will curtail losses before they can grow to a damaging size.
  • It is wiser to end a loss, than to gamble with it.
  • We cannot know the future of a market, but we have plenty of evidence of the past. What has happened before may not be repeated, but it does show what is possible. It's therefore important to look at the history of the currency pair you are trading. Try to get a feel for the magnitude of extreme price moves, so you can consider the worst case scenario for a trade. Looking into the abyss like this is not comfortable. But it is useful.
  • Think about what action you would need to take to protect yourself in such a scenario. Do not underestimate the chances of price shocks occurring. To be taken out by an adverse price movement is not unlucky - it's a natural part of trading.
  • So, you should have a plan for such a contingency. You don't have to delve far into the past to find examples of price shocks. In January 2015, the Swiss franc surged roughly 30% against the euro in a matter of minutes.
  • Think about what levels you are aiming for on the upside and what loss is sensible to withstand on the downside.
  • Doing so will help you to maintain your discipline in the heat of the trade.
  • It will also encourage you to think in terms of risk versus reward.
  • Stops help to cut losses and are especially useful for when you are not able to monitor the market.
  • At the very least you should use a mental stop if you don't want to use an actual order in the market.
  • Price alerts are also useful.
  • At some point you may suffer a bad loss or burn through a substantial portion of your risk capital.
  • There is a temptation after a big loss to try and win it all back with the next trade. But there's a problem.
  • Increasing your risk when your risk capital has been stressed, is the worst time to do it. Instead consider:
  • ...reducing your trading size in a losing streak…
  • ...or taking a break until you can identify a high-probability trade.
  • Always stay on an even keel - both emotionally and in terms of your position sizes.
  • One of the advantages of Forex trading, is powerful leverage ratios. Leverage allows you to command an FX position that is much larger than the capital you deposit. This offers the opportunity to magnify profits made from the risk capital you have available.
  • But it also increases the potential for risk. In other words - it allows you to ramp up the risk to get greater profits. This is a useful tool, but it is very important to understand the size of your overall exposure.
  • It stands to reason that the success or failure of a trading system, will be determined by its performance in the long term.
  • So be wary of apportioning too much importance to the success or failure of your current trade.
  • Do not bend or ignore the rules of your system to make your current trade work.

Kekuatan dan Kelemahan Matawang

Sila lihat graf EUR/USD di bawah. Graf ini menunjukkan Bullish trend atau uptrend.
Graf menaik menunjukkan Base Currency kukuh berbanding Quote Currency.
Graf EUR/USD yang menaik (up trend) menunjukkan Base Currency iaitu EUR adalah lebih kukuh berbanding Quote Currency iaitu USD. Kita juga boleh mengatakan USD adalah lemah berbanding EUR.

Sila lihat graf EUR/USD di bawah. Graf ini menunjukkan Bearish trend atau downtrend.
Graf menurun menunjukkan Base Currency lemah berbanding Quote Currency.

Graf EUR/USD yang menurun (down trend) menunjukkan Base Currency iaitu EUR adalah lebih lemah berbanding Quote Currency iaitu USD. Kita juga boleh mengatakan USD adalah lebih kukuh berbanding EUR.

Contoh 1: Pair USD
  • GBP/USD menunjukkan GBP lemah dan USD kukuh.
  • EUR/USD menunjukkan EUR lemah, dan USD kukuh.
  • USD/JPY menunjukkan USD kukuh dan JPY lemah.
  • USD/CHF menunjukkan USD kukuh dan CHF lemah.
  • Persamaan bagi semua pair ini ialah USD kukuh.
  • Apabila USD kukuh, anda boleh BUY pair USD/XXX dan SELL pair XXX/USD.
Contoh 2: Pair JPY
  • USD/JPY menunjukkan USD kukuh dan JPY lemah.
  • EUR/JPY menunjukkan EUR kukuh dan JPY lemah.
  • Persamaan bagi semua pair ini ialah JPY lemah.
  • Apabila JPY lemah, anda boleh BUY pair XXX/JPY.

Economic Calendar & Indicator

XM Economic Calendar

Sila klik link ini XM Economic Calendar.

Sila pastikan memilih Calendar Time Zone adalah (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Sila lihat Legend untuk mengetahui kekuatan sesuatu Economic Indicator.

Cara Membaca Economic Calendar
Untuk semua jenis data kecuali data Unemployment, nilai bacaan adalah seperti di bawah.
  • Jika nilai actual lebih daripada nilai forecast, ia adalah good news (matawang semakin kukuh).
  • Jika nilai actual kurang daripada nilai forecast, ia adalah bad news (matawang semakin lemah).


Saturday 6 August 2016

Cara Mendapatkan Untung dalam Forex

Cara 1: Luck/Tuah
  • Anda bertuah dan bernasib baik jika anda mendapat untung daripada trading anda, tetapi anda tidak tahu apa yang anda lakukan. Nasib tidak akan menyebelahi kita sepanjang masa. Akan sampai masa di mana anda tidak bernasib baik dan hilang semua modal anda.
Cara 2: Mentor
  • Anda belajar melalui mentor/guru dan mendapatkan maklumat yang betul tentang semua aspek mengenai FOREX. Paling penting, anda harus belajar 2 perkara iaitu:

    a)belajar bila waktu yang sesuai untuk anda enter position dan bagaimana caranya.

    b)belajar bila waktu yang sesuai untuk anda close position dan kenapa anda close position tersebut.


Jenis-jenis Trader

1: Scalper
  • Menggunakan teknik scalping iaitu mengambil profit yang sedikit, selalunya kurang daripada 10 pip untuk setiap trade.
  • Scalper selalunya trade lebih daripada 10 kali dalam sehari.
  • Mendapat untung yang banyak apabila membuka banyak position dan mengumpul jumlah pip yang sedikit bagi setiap position.
2: Swing Trader
  • Position dibuka lebih daripada 24 jam, mungkin 2 hari, 2 minggu, 2 bulan atau sebagainya.
  • Merupakan mid-term & long-term trader.
  • Mereka lebih suka trade mengikut arah trend, terutamanya trend yang besar (major trend pada timeframe 4 hour atau daily dan sebagainya).
  • Trader akan dikenakan daily interest apabila position mereka dibiarkan/dibuka melebihi tempoh 24 jam.
3: Day Trader
  • Position dibuka tidak lebih daripada 24 jam


Jenis-jenis Order

Market Order
  • Market order ialah sejenis order untuk BUY atau SELL pada harga semasa.
Limit Order (Take Profit Order)
  • Limit order ialah sejenis order di mana anda boleh menetapkan berapa banyak keuntungan yang anda mahu dengan meletakkan harga tertentu untuk anda close position anda.
  • Katakan anda BUY GBP/USD pada 1.8000 dan ingin mengambil untung sebanyak 20 pip. Anda boleh set Limit Order atau Take Profit anda pada harga 1.8020. Apabila harga naik mencecah 1.8020, position anda akan ditutup secara automatik.
Stop Order (Stop Loss Order)
  • Stop Loss order ialah sejenis order di mana anda boleh menetapkan berapa banyak kerugian yang anda sanggup tanggung.
  • Katakan anda BUY GBP/USD pada 1.8000 dan ingin mengambil untung sebanyak 20 pip. Jika harga naik, anda akan untung. Tetapi jika harga turun lebih rendah daripada 1.8000, anda akan rugi. Dengan menggunakan Stop Loss order, anda boleh tetapkan berapa pip anda sanggup rugi. Jika anda sanggup rugi 20 pip sahaja, anda boleh letakkan Stop Loss order pada harga 1.7980. Apabila harga turun sampai 1.7980, position anda akan ditutup dan anda akan rugi 20 pip sahaja.
  • Jika anda tidak meletakkan stop loss, anda mungkin akan rugi lebih daripada itu.
Buy Stop dan Buy Limit Order
  • Buy Stop order ialah sejenis order untuk anda BUY pada mana-mana harga yang berada lebih tinggi daripada harga semasa.
  • Buy Limit order ialah sejenis order untuk anda BUY pada mana-mana harga yang berada lebih rendah daripada harga semasa.
Sell Stop dan Sell Limit Order
  • Sell Limit order ialah sejenis order untuk anda SELL pada mana-mana harga yang berada lebih tinggi daripada harga semasa.
  • Sell Stop order ialah sejenis order untuk anda SELL pada mana-mana harga yang berada lebih rendah daripada harga semasa.

Pengiraan Untung dan Rugi

1. Pengiraan untuk Major Pair XXX/USD

  • Contoh 1: 1 mini lot EUR/USD
    1 pip = 10,000 USD x 0.0001 = 1 USD
  • Contoh 2: 1 regular lot GBP/USD
    1 pip = 100,000 USD x 0.0001 = 10 USD

2. Pengiraan untuk Major Pair USD/XXX

  • Contoh 1: 1 mini lot USD/JPY (katakan harga semasa ialah 118.15)
    1 pip = 10,000 USD x 0.01 / 118.15 = 0.84 USD
  • Contoh 2: 1 regular lot USD/CHF (katakan harga semasa ialah 1.2493)
    1 pip = 100,000 USD x 0.0001 / 1.2493 = 8 USD

3. Pengiraan untuk Cross Pair
(EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, GBP/CHF dan lain-lain)

  • Contoh 1: 1 mini lot EUR/JPY (katakan harga EUR/USD ialah 1.2700 dan harga semasa EUR/JPY ialah 149.74)
    1 pip = 10,000 USD x 0.01 x 1.2700 / 149.74 = 0.84 USD
  • Contoh 2: 1 regular lot GBP/CHF (katakan harga GBP/USD ialah 1.8700 dan harga semasa GBP/CHF ialah 2.3438)
    1 pip = 100,000 USD x 0.0001 x 1.8700 / 2.3438 = 7.97 USD


Forex Quotes dan Spread

Forex Quotes terdiri daripada 2 matawang. Matawang di sebelah kiri dipanggil Base Currency dan matawang di sebelah kanan dipanggil Quote atau Counter Currency.
Apabila anda BUY sesuatu currency pair, anda sebenarnya membeli Base Currency dan jika anda SELL, bermakna anda menjual Base Currency.
Forex Quotes terdiri daripada 2 harga iaitu BID dan ASK.

Pembeli akan membeli pada harga yang rendah. Harga yang rendah ini dipanggil BID. (Buyer is BIDDING at lower price).

Penjual akan menjual pada harga yang tinggi. Harga yang tinggi ini dipanggil ASK. (Seller is ASKING for a high price).

Spread ialah perbezaan di antara BID dan ASK. Dalam gambar di atas, spread bagi EUR/USD ialah 4 pip.

Spread ialah bayaran yang dikenakan oleh broker ke atas setiap transaksi jual/beli yang dilakukan oleh trader.


Pips, Lot, Margin & Leverage

Pip merupakan unit ukuran bagi pergerakan harga. Mari ambil satu matawang sebagai contoh iaitu GBP/USD. Jika harga naik daripada 1.9005 ke 1.9006, ia dikatakan telah naik 1 pip. Apabila harga turun daripada 1.9005 ke 1.9004, ia dikatakan telah turun 1 pip.

1 pip = 0.0001 atau 0.01 unit pergerakan bergantung kepada currency pair yang anda pilih.

Dalam ertikata yang lain, Pips ialah nilai (perpuluhan) terkecil didalam sesuatu pasangan matawang (pair currency) itu. Admin berikan satu lagi contoh agar anda dapat memahaminya dengan lebih jelas. Jika harga belian bagi pasangan matawang GBP/USD ialah 1.9770 dan pair ini berubah ke 1.9771, maka perubahannya hanyalah 0.0001. Perubahan 0.0001 ini yang kita katakan 1 pip.

Nilai keuntungan pips adalah berbeza-beza diantara pair dan ianya juga bergantung kepada jenis akaun anda. Sebagai contoh, keuntungan 1 pip bagi pair GBP/USD adalah bersamaan USD1 (mini akaun) atau USD10 (standard akaun).

Lots adalah jumlah minimum ekuiti (matawang) yang diniagakan dipasaran Forex. Matawang diniagakan dalam bentuk Lot untuk membolehkan keseragaman harga pasaran bagi sesuatu matawang.

Terdapat 2 jenis akaun yang ditawarkan oleh broker iaitu akaun Regular (Standard) dan akaun Mini. Setiap transaksi atau urusniaga jual beli adalah dalam bentuk lot. Nilai 1 lot adalah berbeza untuk akaun regular dan akaun mini.

Jadual dibawah menunjukkan perbezaan antara kedua-dua jenis akaun mengikut standard leverage iaitu 1:100. (leverage akan diterangkan dalam topik yang seterusnya).

Jika anda ingin membuka akaun regular atau akaun mini, anda perlu ada sekurang-kurangnya 3 atau 4 lot. Jika anda ingin membuka akaun regular, dan broker mengenakan syarat minimum 4 lot untuk membuka akaun regular, maka anda perlu ada modal sebanyak 4000 USD kerana nilai 1 lot ialah 1000 USD.

Setiap kali anda trade atau membuat transaksi jual/beli, anda akan menggunakan sebahagian daripada modal anda. Ini dipanggil margin. Jika anda mempunyai modal sebanyak 5000 USD, anda menggunakan 1000 USD sebagai margin untuk anda trade.

Selebihnya, 4000 USD digunakan sebagai reserve atau back-up margin.

Leverage mempunyai konsep yang sama seperti pinjaman. Apabila anda trade 1 lot utk akaun regular, saiz lot itu ialah 100,000 USD dan bermakna anda memerlukan modal sebanyak 100,000 USD untuk melakukan transaksi jual/beli currency pair.

Tetapi dengan adanya leverage, anda tidak perlu ada modal sebanyak itu, leverage adalah seperti pinjaman, di mana kita perlu ada 1% daripada modal keseluruhan.

Leverage yang standard ialah 1:100. Ia bermaksud anda hanya perlu ada 1/100 atau 1% daripada jumlah sebenar. 1% ialah modal anda sendiri, 99% dipinjamkan oleh broker anda.

Contoh pengiraan:

Akaun Regular: 100,000 USD
Leverage: 1:100

Ini bermakna, anda perlu ada 1% daripada 100,000 USD untuk 1 lot.
1% x 100,000 USD = 1000 USD

Oleh itu, nilai 1 lot untuk akaun regular = 1000 USD
Dari jadual di atas, dapat dilihat bahawa apabila leverage semakin tinggi, semakin tinggi pinjaman yang diberikan kepada anda dan semakin kurang modal yang perlu anda sediakan untuk 1 lot.

Untuk semua leverage yang berbeza-beza, nilai 1 pip tetap sama bagi 1 lot. Jika akaun mini, 1 pip untuk 1 lot ialah 1 USD dan 1 pip untuk 1 regular lot ialah 10 USD.

Katakan anda mempunyai modal 1000 USD dan anda ingin membuka akaun mini. 1 mini lot = 100 USD. Dengan modal 1000 USD, anda boleh mendapat 10 lot. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan perbandingan leverage dengan menggunakan modal 1000 USD.

Leverage yang besar akan memberikan pulangan yang besar kepada anda. Risiko juga semakin besar. Oleh itu, penggunaan leverage yang besar memerlukan money management yang betul

Forex Trading Session (Waktu Urusniaga Forex)

Waktu urusniaga Perdagangan Forex dapat dilihat dengan jelas sekali melalui jadual seperti diatas ini.

Sila berikan tumpuan kepada Sydney, Tokyo, Frankfurt dan London. Lihat pada jam 3.00pm dan 4.00pm. Pada waktu ini, urusniaga Forex sangat rancak kerana matawang Aussie (Australian Dollar) dan matawang Yen (Japanese Yen) akan melakukan SELL/BUY dengan kapasiti yang tinggi sebelum pasaran urusniaga mereka tutup. Pada waktu ini juga matawang Euro dan Pound akan sangat aktif kerana di Eropah, pasaran urusniaga baru sahaja dibuka.

Dalam erti kata yang lain, pasaran akan benar-benar aktif bermula pada jam 3.00pm dan akan bertambah rancak setelah pasaran urusniaga Amerika mula beroperasi pada jam 8.00pm (waktu Kuala Lumpur & Singapore) sehinggalah pada jam 12am (tengah malam).

Walau bagaimanapun, matawang yang melibatkan US Dollar akan terus aktif sehingga pada jam 5.00am.

Perbezaan Forex dan Saham

Perbezaan Forex dan Saham dapat diterangkan dengan mudah melalui gambar rajah dibawah.


Matawang Forex

Di dalam pasaran Forex, matawang diniagakan secara berpasangan. Ianya diniagakan secara berpasangan kerana dalam dagangan mestilah ada beli & jual. Contoh pasangan matawang ialah GBP/USD. Jika kita membeli 'BUY' pasangan ini, bermakna kita membeli GBP (Great Britain Pound) dan menjual USD (US Dollar).

Terdapat 7 matawang utama atau major yang sering didagangkan iaitu USD, GBP, EUR, CHF, JPY, CAD & AUD. Matawang minor pula ialah matawang seperti NZD & SGD yang turut didagangkan tetapi tidaklah menjadi favourite (kegemaran) pedagang atau traders kerana matawang ini tidak begitu rancak.

Currency pair pula terbahagi kepada 2 jenis iaitu major pair dan cross pair.

Major pair ialah semua currency pair yang salah satu pair merupakan USD. Semua currency pair yang berpasangan dengan USD dipanggil major pair. 4 major pair yang paling utama ialah EUR/USD, BP/USD, USD/JPY dan USD/CHF.

Cross pair ialah semua currency pair yang tidak berpasangan dengan USD. Contohnya EUR/JPY, EUR/CHF, GBP/JPY, EUR/GBP dan sebagainya.

Bagi pendapat admin, untuk mendapatkan pulangan keuntungan yang tinggi, anda disyorkan agar fokus kepada pasangan matawang yang kuat/lemah seperti GBP (kuat berbanding) JPY dan sebagainya.

Currency Nicname (Nama Samaran Matawang)

Didalam laporan berita atau news yang dikeluarkan oleh agensi-agensi berita Forex, matawang juga dikenali dengan pelbagai nama samaran atau nickname. Jangan pula anda terkejut bila membaca berita mengenai matawang seperti greenback, cable, kiwi, aussie dan sebagainya. Itu hanyalah sebagai nama samaran atau nickname sahaja. Berikut adalah sebahagian daripada nickname bagi matawang

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